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  • sabdesrochers03


Where do I find my inspiration? Honestly most days I have none. Yesterday I woke up feeling like the living dead. I wanted nothing more than to sit on the couch and do nothing. For those of you with young children you know that is impossible. The last thing I wanted to do was write but I gave myself a pep talk. Told myself I could do it. That I was so close to being finish my first draft. After two weeks of ignoring the unfinished book waiting for me, I finally sat down in front of my computer. I had zero motivation but I pushed myself. Once I began writing the words flooded the page. Before I knew it three chapters were finished! My daughter woke up from her nap ending my streak. I was so close to being finished that once I put my children to bed I sat back down to finish it.

Where do I find my motivation? I find it in the little things. The small achievements and pushing myself. I am always amazed with what my mind can come up with when I least expect it. Some of my best writing days come when I feel uninspired. Somehow when my fingers hit the keyboard they take on a life of their own. They tell my brain to ignore the fact that I am exhausted. Shut out the noise of my son who thinks every toy he owns has to sound like a mega horn and write.

I always try to remind myself I can edit later. That getting the idea on paper doesn't mean this is how it has to stay. Don't let lack of inspiration stop you from achieving your goals. Sometimes pushing yourself to do something is enough. The inspiration might come later.

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